Qin was 13 years old when he was "crowned" emperor, but don't mistake his cuteness for the animal that he was.He was despised everywhere.Qin was obsessed with becoming ruler...in the afterlife!!He would poison his servants,wives,and children.What did he do next? Bury them ALIVE.He ordered construction workers to build sculptures of every soldier to exact size and detail. I received my information from National Geo. and Time for Kids. This is Emperor Qin's TerraCotta Army -National Geographic In my opinion this guy was crazy, but I will say that I do admire how he thinks.Who else would think about becoming ruler and bringing everyone with him so that he wouldn't be lonely.The group of farmers found the army in 1974.Just imagine what they were thinking.I would of been scared to death knowing that there were thousands of clay warriors beneath me. Wouldn't you?Did you know that there were also about 650 clay horses down there as well.That is peculiar, but interesting at the same time!It is believed that the clay warriors held real weapons.The tomb was Filled with mallets, pavilions and offices, as well as fine vessels, precious stones and rarities.Basically the tomb was filled with treasured items.What do you think of this engaging time? TOP 10 FACTS 1.Army of 8,000 clay soldiers were found in 1974 by a few farmers. 2.Sculptures are over 2,200 years ago. 3. Each face is unique and different. 4.Their height and uniform also varies by rank. 5. Over 700,000 workers were employed for instruction. 6.Experts suggest that Emperor's Tomb contains simulated rivers. 7.This whole "massacre" took over 36 years. 8. Qin was actually not a popular ruler. 9.He had thousands of people torchered. 10.Today people from around the world visit the amazing tomb in China. What would you do if you lived in this time? INFORMATION FROM;http://www.nationalgeographic.com/search/?search=terracotta+army and , http://www.timeforkids.com
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